Looks Great!

Thanks to Jack & Richard, the place is looking really, really good.

We have new grass front and back, which is going very nicely thanks to our summer rains …

and Jack directed the construction of a new barbecue area with bricks coordinated with the Oceanview color scheme tying together the new table & chairs, grill, and sidewalk.  No more having to walk through wet grass to get to your steaks.

Summer’s Coming

It’s finally getting warmer, the parking lot has a little more room, and we have some new grass – front and back.

Your board (mostly Jack) has been busy.  We have replaced the dead grass around the condo and thanks to Jack’s constant attention, we have great hopes that it will do well.  We have a new picnic table and soon will have a new patio area underneath it.  Oh yeah – and new umbrellas for the pool.

We are trying to get on top of any items that escaped our attention, and this includes the fire alarm system (Didn’t know we had one?).  This may require getting into your units during the summer, but the good news is that you’ll know everything is fine.

I plan to provide updates here on the website when anything of note happens … and maybe I can get Jack, Chris and Sheila to do the same.

Meanwhile, let us now if we can do anything for you while you’re gone.

Dave Sullivan